European fallow deer

Fallow deer (Dama dama) is a non-native, i.e. introduced, animal in our forests. The original homeland of fallow deer is the area around the Mediterranean Sea, especially in southern Europe and Asia Minor. In the period of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, it spread again on the old continent.

The fallow deer was brought to our territory at the end of the Middle Ages and was kept mainly in game parks. Since the last century, it has been living freely in many places (Malé Karpaty, Biele Karpaty, Strážovské vrchy, Tríbeč, Štiavnické vrchy, Zemplínske vrchy, Javorníky). The occurrence of fallow deer continues to expand.

Fallow deer are included among the furred animals in the deer family.

In its way of life and movements, the spotted fallow deer is very similar to its larger relative - the deer. Both of these species have equally developed senses. Both species are similar in terms of speed, agility, and dexterity. However, they differ in the way they run, thanks to which fallow deer can be quickly identified even in difficult terrain: When disturbed, it runs away with "goat" jumps, jumping up high with all four legs at the same time.

The fallow deer's diet consists mainly of grass and herb pastures, various forest fruits (chestnuts, rosehips, hawthorn, apples, pears, acorns, beech), the bark of young trees and agricultural crops, for which this animal leaves the forest for the surrounding fields.

The antlers of the fallow deer are shovel-shaped, which makes it easily recognizable from other deer species even at a greater distance. Fallow deer's antlers are flat, tipped with wide shovels. Dropped antlers are often used to make various utility items with artistic depictions of hunting motives.

The standard colouring of fallow deer fur is brown-red with white spots that are arranged in longitudinal rows. It has a significantly darker stripe on its back. The white tail and "mirror" is lined with a black outline.

However, there are also individuals whose fur is coloured white (albinism), or, on the contrary, very dark, almost black fallow deer (melanism). The fallow deer's winter fur is darker without spots.

The body length of fallow deer is up to 150 cm, and their weight reaches 60-100 kg on average. The doe of fallow deer are smaller; their body length does not exceed 130 cm and their weight ranges from 30 to 60 kg.

Due to its beauty and wild charm, the spotted Daniel is considered a kind of nobility of our forests. A fallow deer hunt is an unforgettable experience for every hunter.

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