Wild boar
The wild boar (Sus scrofa) inhabits a large part of Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Currently, it is widely spread on the territory of Slovakia, almost 90% of the territory.
The wild boar prefers wetter deciduous or mixed forests with adjacent agricultural land. It is most numerous in lower and middle locations, but we can also meet it higher in the mountains.
The boar's body is stocky, on low legs, with a massive neck and a broad chest. The body length of a wild boar is approximately 140 to 180 cm. The height at the tap can reach 100 cm. The weight of a boar (male) is between 80-250 kg, sows weigh less, 60-150 kg. Boars are higher in the shoulders, their backs are bent. They have massive canines - tusks that grow and grind against each other throughout their lives. Sows have shorter canines and we call them hooks. The wild boar has less developed vision; they rely primarily on hearing and a well-developed sense of smell.
"Black game", as wild animals are called in hunting parlance, are typically nocturnal animals. Wild boars live in family herds. Such a herd consists of several leading sows, which are related to each other, their squeakers, and juveniles and pigs of the sounder, i.e. offspring older than one year. The whole herd, which can have up to 30 individuals, is led by the oldest sow. Boars leave the herd after reaching the age of 18 months and they join into smaller groups. This is how they live until the rut when they finally break up, and then the boars live alone.
Wild boars are typical omnivores, they eat everything they find - roots, seeds, fruits, tubers, various field crops, small animals (e.g. young birds and fawns), and carrion. They can cause damage to field crops. They benefit the forest by loosening the litter and effectively destroying small terrestrial mammals and harmful insects. In addition, they are an important hunting game.
Wild boars in Europe have been significantly decimated by African swine fever in recent years. It spreads to our territory mainly from Ukraine and Hungary.
Wild boar hunting always has its unique charm. A wild boar rarely comes to you in the same place and at the same time, as with other game species. It does not follow any exact customs. Individual hunting for these black knights of our forests and mountains is always exciting and brings many experiences.
Joint wild boar hunts are usually the highlight of the hunting season and are, in most cases, a real experience. There is nothing more beautiful than when you are standing on a "stand" where there is a sufficient overview and you can watch the incoming herd of wild boars in the snowy terrain on the opposite slope. In the following seconds, it's up to you how successful you will complete the efforts of all hounds, dogs, and other colleagues - hunters...